
I grew up in Northern Ireland and have been a teacher and lived in England, Ghana, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Malawi, Mexico, Colombia, The United Arab Emirates, Australia, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia.

These are my memoirs which are arranged chronologically by year. Much is social commentary.

Aside from narrative recount, the style is often anecdotal, aphoristic and ironical. I try to soften the heavy social commentary with humour. Some friends have said I tend to 'rant' at times. I don't deny it! Perhaps it is the Irish in me. I apologise in advance then, if that is your impression too.

I do not intend to stereotype various nationalities but inevitably I will generalise for dramatic effect.

In a globalised multicultural world there is an urgent need to identify and face up to our national idiosyncracies and shortcomings. Nationalism has always seemed to me to be a bogus substitute for a genuine sense of connectedness and community. It is a highly dangerous concept when manipulated by politicians to get citizens to do things that are unpalatable to them-like going to war for instance.

If we don't begin to see ourselves as others perceive us - and not as we would like to see ourselves, then catastrophe looms.

I contend we can be comfortable with our heritage and still be able to criticize and even laugh at ourselves at the same time.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Outsiders are in a unique position to show us our shortcomings because we simply cannot see them ourselves.

I believe that no culture has found the ideal 'solutions' to the challenges of life. Every culture I have lived in has both positive and disturbing characteristics.

In which cultures do people appear happiest? (notwithstanding natural and man-made disasters such as war and famine)

What question can be more profound than that?

The results may be surprising. In my experience, the happiest cultures were Ghana, Malawi, Mexico and Colombia. At the bottom of the list would be England, Ireland and Australia.

I think we need to learn from each other-not try to 'teach' each other...there is a big difference.

Please send me an E-mail if you would like to comment on anything.



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Retirement, Kota Kinabalu

Retirement, Kota Kinabalu
This is where I would like to be after I have robbed the bank

Winners and Losers

Winners and Losers
Debate 2008 Winners and Losers Editor at left.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank you Ha-Joon chang

At last something I can read in the media which is common sensical and gives me pleasure.

Everybody knows it now!

Thank you, Ha-Joon Chang!

"Acceptance of inequality rests on assumptions that 'free markets' make us all richer in the end. Growth figures tell it differently"

Ha-Joon Chang has asaid it on Tuesday August 31 2010 in ' The Guardian' at last.

"...Virtually no politician challenges a basic, erroneous premise that inequality is a price worth paying for a more efficient market system that enriches us all. The simplistic, free-market view of the Thatcher-Major era said equality of opportunity is all we need for a fair society. If no one had their market participation blocked, the result, however unfair it may look to some, should be accepted as fair. Today many people, both on the left and the right, recognise that this is not enough. We can accept the outcome of a competitive process as fair only when the participants have equality in basic capabilities; the fact that no one is allowed to have a head start does not make the race fair if some contestants have only one leg...."

Thank you Ha-Joon for the first bit of common sense I have read in the a newspaper for fifty years.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Fiefdom of the Don

The Fiefdom of the Don
The Bourgeois 'Conservative' waits and waits: emotionally numb, he sleepwalks through life in a  trance leaving a trail of debris from destructive relationships:shunning, shaming and snuffing out all possibility of intimate human transactions he has to clutch in desperation for relief from’ his own anomie.

‘Righteous Indignation’ is the refuge of the guilty –the hypocrite who is afraid his selfishness will be will be exposed to others, but especially to himself”.The righteously indignant person always requires victims. He is a serial victimizer. I am just a little indignant myself about the media.

In short:

Citizens should keep their guard up and be wary of being patronized  by condescending self-important opinion peddlers such as chat-show hosts, radio reporters newspaper journalists, reporters and other vampires.

On the Media and Elections in a Democracy:

In Australia, the media “manage” every election so that it is horse race with a close finish. They do this by suggestion, insinuation, innuendo, manipulation and fear. They don’t care who wins really (although they usually try and make the conservative party if forced to choose).

They do this without scruple because it serves their own selfish interests. By appealing to the basest instincts of their readers they write anything which will make people ultimately purchase their newspapers or boost their program ratings whether it be Radio, TV, Newspaper or internet article. Sensationalizing trivial events and trivializing important issues, intimidating people with questions and exploiting people’s fears are the most common methods used to make customers/listeners /readers purchase their ‘product’.

In the past three decades the media have facilitated the aim of corporations to turn life into a “business’ in which people see each other only terms of their usefulness to each other. If I am no use to you then why should I bother talking to you and vice versa.

The media strategy is firstly to mentally paralyze the gullible citizen so that he is dependent on them for information and entertainment. Then they parasitize him by taking his money. This process is similar to how a tarantula or a vampire kills it’s victims.

How do the media manipulate the elections?

In many ways, but mostly by “suggestion” to vote for the winner! They specialize in leading the bleating sheep (‘the so-called swinging voter’) like a lamb to the slaughter (The swinging voter is a person who is unable to make his mind up how to vote).

Once enticed into their mental abattoir the swinging voter is ‘told’ the likely result of the election as predicted by polls or other vampires in the media (reporters, talkback radio hosts or TV chat show hosts) - all of whom willingly prostitute themselves to media magnates such as Rupert Murdoch and  other unscrupulous, arrogant, power-hungry, corporate bullies who all, coincidentally seem to wear black these days-just like tarantulas and vampires.

In his desperate need to be connected to escape his anomie and be a member of a group, the gullible and naïve ‘swinger’ then tries to vote for the winner according to the results of the latest opinion poll.

The media amplify people’s insecurities through the exacerbation of fear, clash, conflict, sexual titillation, racism, lust for power, jealousy, envy and material status. Above all they try to appease the lust of the customer to be entertained and divert him from his mundane existence working like a slave at some mundane  job 

In other contexts this process of brainwashing by suggestion of the population is rightfully called manipulation and even corruption. George Orwell did it  in ‘1984’. But in the west it is all politically correct and justified in the name of 'Freedom of the Press', 'Choice' or even 'Democracy! (Don’t laugh!)

The Media

The media give the citizen permission, encourage them  even, to be selfish, vote for themselves  and forget everyone else

This is the situation as it stands but things are going to change:

As a consequence with respect to the media and elections the following measures will be taken when I assume power:

All newspapers , radio programs TV programs will carry a health warning : which says “Listening , Reading or Watching this will damage your health and that of every other human being on the planet” and/or “Commercial media is self-serving and kills people”

Only investigative reporting and in-depth documentaries will be published thenceforth. News and pseudo-news (That is news or information in the disguised as entertainment will cease immediately. 95 percent of all newspapers, radio programs and chat shows will therefore cease to be published or be aired forthwith. All retrenched mangers form media outlets employees will have to sign on the dole. These managers, chat show hosts, reporters  will all have to appear on the internet and publically confess to being on the dole wearing 'Dunce' hats so people can sneer and whisper to each other about them.

Thenceforth, all entertainment such as drama and movies will be on DVD or 'Sting-ray disk' or whatever it is called in the future.

There will no longer be daily news programs or newspapers. This is because, as we all know, there is not enough real news to be published on a daily basis. All media organs outlets will publish weekly thenceforth. People can get relief from mundane jobs and by washing the dishes by watching cricket.

24 hour news channels will be abolished for ever

International news will only be published if it presents other people and places in a positive light.

Media employees-presenters, anchors and political lackeys and hacks who repeat themselves, or repeat what their program anchor says while on air – hence  boring their audiences into a state of numbness- will have their tongue cut out.

Reporters or chat show interviewers who try to put words into interviewees mouths with loaded questions will have a thesaurus stuffed into their mouth to shut them up...

Reporters and interviewers who attempt to answer their own questions by suggestion or putting words in the mouth of the interviewee will be drilled through the right knee cap.

Reporters who attempt to make an interview about themselves rather than the interviewee will also be drilled in the knee-cap-the other one if necessary.

Reporters, anchors and media producers who mention a homicide, disaster, kidnapping, fire, earthquake, hurricane, mudslide or any disaster human or natural, which doesn’t occur within a ten mile radius of the listener will be wrenched from their office or home by a citizen and whipped mercilessly until they confess.

Reporters who start with irritating questions such as “How much do you think…. or “To what extent do you think…?

will be sprayed with insect repellent until they have to be hospitalized.

Newsreaders and TV and Radio ‘anchors’ who speak in a self –important tone of voice will have their larynx cut out.

Reporters who ask facile and provocative questions to defenseless people ( such as the BBC World Service bint on the radio who has just asked a defenceless and poverty-stricken Malawian tobacco farmer how he feels about growing a crop which “harms people’s health”)
will be gathered together weekly and collectively wiped out with a nerve agent..

The whole process will be recorded on the internet as an incentive to reporters to lift their game...


In elections Media proprietors such as Rupert Murdoch will have minus one hundred thousand votes each.

People who are seen speaking to media owners will be arrested and lose their tongues slowly and painfully. 

The media will be banned from publishing opinion polls one month before an election

One week before any election the media will be closed down entirely and the populace given a holiday at the expense of Rupert Murdoch and the other owners of media outlets. People will watch cricket continuously for a week at Murdoch’s expense on large Television screens installed all over the world.

People who have completed a secondary education and vote for a conservative candidate will have their hair removed. They will also be disenfranchised temporarily for one election and sent for a course of  re-education to my home.

People who have completed a tertiary education and vote conservative will be tortured, forced to make a confession and their hands cut-off so that they can never vote again.

Families who earn less than 50,000 a year as a couple will have fifty votes each in election. This is affirmative action to compensate these people from the negligence they have experienced at the hands of the smug and complacent conservative capitalist, property-owning , share-holders, bond buyers and other conservative prostitutes who inhabit the leafy groves of the suburbs of the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and Adelaide

Newspapers editors who publish opinion polls will be drilled through both knee-caps.

Reporters who interview Islamofascists will be stoned to death

Whether they are interviewed or not islamofascists will be stoned to death and their executions recorded on the internet.

Other Matters

People who have abandoned their idealism to become little capitalists and conservative small business owners will be drilled through both kneecaps.

People who speak to me with “I need you to.." will be drilled through the kneecap.

Final comments

The only problem with communism was that it didn’t work It was a noble idea which was betrayed by the selfishness of human beings.

There should be more choice in life: all children will be warned in the womb about the perils of being born and given the option to abort themselves before birth. (By the time I assume power, technology will  probably have made this possible). This is merely a logical extension of the neo-conservative, corporate, politically correct post modern, post Thatcherite, Post ‘Tea Party’ new millennium concept of “Choice” and self-empowerment as espoused by the space-based, faith based, corporately sponsored religious right in the West.

Choice is for the wealthy -the rest of us do what we have to do.

Space-based, faith-based morons such as Glen 'Feck' Beck and Rush 'Wimpo' Limpaugh will be tortured, forced to confess to being narcassitic megalomaniacs and never allowed to work again. They will be denied health insurance and welfare cheques until they starve to death.