
I grew up in Northern Ireland and have been a teacher and lived in England, Ghana, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Malawi, Mexico, Colombia, The United Arab Emirates, Australia, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia.

These are my memoirs which are arranged chronologically by year. Much is social commentary.

Aside from narrative recount, the style is often anecdotal, aphoristic and ironical. I try to soften the heavy social commentary with humour. Some friends have said I tend to 'rant' at times. I don't deny it! Perhaps it is the Irish in me. I apologise in advance then, if that is your impression too.

I do not intend to stereotype various nationalities but inevitably I will generalise for dramatic effect.

In a globalised multicultural world there is an urgent need to identify and face up to our national idiosyncracies and shortcomings. Nationalism has always seemed to me to be a bogus substitute for a genuine sense of connectedness and community. It is a highly dangerous concept when manipulated by politicians to get citizens to do things that are unpalatable to them-like going to war for instance.

If we don't begin to see ourselves as others perceive us - and not as we would like to see ourselves, then catastrophe looms.

I contend we can be comfortable with our heritage and still be able to criticize and even laugh at ourselves at the same time.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Outsiders are in a unique position to show us our shortcomings because we simply cannot see them ourselves.

I believe that no culture has found the ideal 'solutions' to the challenges of life. Every culture I have lived in has both positive and disturbing characteristics.

In which cultures do people appear happiest? (notwithstanding natural and man-made disasters such as war and famine)

What question can be more profound than that?

The results may be surprising. In my experience, the happiest cultures were Ghana, Malawi, Mexico and Colombia. At the bottom of the list would be England, Ireland and Australia.

I think we need to learn from each other-not try to 'teach' each other...there is a big difference.

Please send me an E-mail if you would like to comment on anything.



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Sunday, May 24, 2009

(A) Why I write

Why I write.

I used to hate writing.

When I was a child in Northern Ireland I hated writing at school. It was hard work. Damning me with faint praise, at fourteen, my English teacher wrote on my end of year report:

"He makes up with enthusiasm for what he lacks in ability in this subject."

For the past eighteen years I have been an English teacher!

Back in the sixties I remember Dad telling me we needed science teachers to fight the Russians. So, I did science at school and eventually became a science teacher.

I first started writing when I went to Bristol University to do my teacher training in 1975. I was so lonely that I wrote furiously out of boredom, frustration and anger-about a fictional character called "Macmillan" (myself) who found it difficult to relate to anyone at all.

I remember the typist saying to me kindly:

"You have a very Irish style."

I think she was referring to the four-letter words splattered across the pages. I could hardly look at her with the embarrassment. She thought I knew something about writing! I was vain and so flattered. My fragile ego had been stroked for the first time.

I was addicted. I wrote some more and then lost it all somewhere. I lost patience with myself and gave it up: a familiar theme in my life.

Maybe my old teacher was correct: I didn't write again for twenty seven years.That was in 1975.

I stopped writing and didn't start again until about 2002.

Now, I'm addicted again. The motivation is similar-frustration with the loneliness of life as an outsider. But, I like writing now as an end in itself. I need it like a drug. It is the almost the only form of meaningful communication left to me.

I've tried sending what I've written to friends. Some like it-but others I know only read out of politeness. I don't want to foist my writing on them. So, I've decided to blog.

I'm vain enough to need an audience but I don't want to bother or lose my friends unnecessarily.I've no idea how to start a blog -another very familiar theme in my life!

I'll maybe start with an overview of my life in the next blog. Any assistance from readers would be greatly appreciated.

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